
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Assert ist: to express an opinion or fact in a confident manner


The lawyer will assert his client’s innocence despite the overwhelming evidence against him.

published by Pandora on 2021-03-30 05:16:01

In court, the woman will assert the police officer sexually harassed her during the traffic stop.

published by Danae on 2021-06-13 05:46:11

It was difficult for the shy young woman to assert herself in class.

published by Sharen on 2021-02-01 12:37:21

In his speech the political candidate will assert he is the best man for the presidency.

published by Lucille on 2021-10-05 00:24:39

If the suspect chooses to assert he was home during the the robbery, he must provide a witness who can verify his location.

published by Karisa on 2021-01-14 02:10:05

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