
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Beseech ist: to ask someone for something in an urgent and sincere way


As soon as I reach the driving age, I will beseech my parents to buy me a car.

published by Tena on 2021-09-06 08:52:21

Because we were trying to sleep, my husband went out of his way to beseech our neighbor to turn down his loud music.

published by Helga on 2021-06-10 18:02:43

I beseech you to lower your weapon before the police officers shoot you!

published by Tien on 2021-07-17 00:50:44

As a former student who was bullied in school, I beseech all teachers to be aware of what occurs in their classrooms.

published by Marlo on 2021-08-28 06:04:44

The walkway was filled with fans who sought to beseech the actor for his autograph.

published by Kylie on 2021-08-27 23:43:30

Since you have chosen to beseech me for a favor, I want a favor in return.

published by Windy on 2021-08-14 23:33:11

Rather than be evicted for nonpayment of his rent, Gary planned to beseech his parents for a loan.

published by Dessie on 2021-09-22 18:03:37

I beseech you to give me something to eat before I die of hunger.

published by Alfonzo on 2021-08-24 21:24:40

If you want to avoid a misunderstanding, I beseech you to consider your words before speaking.

published by Celestine on 2021-05-29 11:59:41

The toddler decided to beseech his mother until she gave him a cookie.

published by Talia on 2021-12-21 17:28:02

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