
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Contrivance ist: something contrived, as a mechanical device or a clever plan


While we thought the movie was supposed to be an insightful documentary, it was actually nothing more than a political contrivance created to stir hate among ethic groups.

published by Malcom on 2021-12-27 19:55:25

The teacher quickly saw through the boy’s contrivance to avoid completing his assignment.

published by Tania on 2021-10-14 07:14:36

Although Jake’s story seems to be a contrivance, the incident happened exactly as he told it.

published by Lazaro on 2021-06-06 17:40:15

Unlike many science fiction movies, this one does not contain a time travel contrivance that allows our hero to change the future of the world.

published by Makeda on 2021-07-24 04:57:52

Every smoker believes the cigarette tax is yet another contrivance designed to take money from hardworking men and women.

published by Cassondra on 2021-04-29 05:55:49

Before you spend a great deal of money on the latest kitchen contrivance, you should read the reviews of those who have already purchased the device.

published by Anderson on 2021-06-07 02:47:45

The new filling contrivance is so effective that many people are expected to lose their jobs at the bottling plant.

published by Consuelo on 2021-10-15 07:56:48

Since the plumbing contrivance does not work very well, it continues to sit on store shelves.

published by Minda on 2021-11-26 18:28:46

The thief’s contrivance for robbing the jewelry store did not take into account the presence of the guard dogs.

published by Carmine on 2021-11-22 15:43:31

Though the bird’s song in the film appears to be natural, the sound is actually a musical contrivance that was digitally created.

published by Tonisha on 2021-05-04 01:02:44

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