
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Exploited ist: utilize someone or something for their own personal gain


“Jane exploited the situation,” Karen responded, “since she only came to our party to eat dinner.”

published by Denisha on 2021-07-12 21:34:54

Her husband exploited their child by having the child work as an actress so he could collect her paycheck.

published by Shirlee on 2021-07-14 18:23:35

Colonists who exploited the buffalo by killing it for its fur resulted in many clashes with the Native Americans.

published by Odette on 2022-01-01 03:32:11

The teenage girls felt they were being exploited when the stranger agreed to help for money in return.

published by Claudia on 2021-07-16 08:40:57

The school exploited many children because it was obvious that they weren’t interested in educating students but only receiving the money paid for that pupil.

published by Keva on 2022-01-06 08:48:10

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