
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Incorruptible ist: having integrity that cannot be corrupted


The incorruptible jury member refused to be pressured into voting not guilty by the defendant’s family members.

published by Lavette on 2021-06-19 14:16:29

An honest judge, the newest member on the bench was incorruptible and refused to be bought like many of the others.

published by Echo on 2021-05-26 23:56:11

The crooked police officer swore that he was incorruptible, but ended up being anything but moral.

published by Enriqueta on 2021-06-16 20:45:24

Each of the incorruptible members of the cabinet made a pact to do what is right and just, even in the face of adversity.

published by Lilla on 2021-12-04 04:37:08

An investigation is being conducted to determine if the mayor is truly incorruptible or has been bought out by the city’s drug lords.

published by Garfield on 2021-11-20 02:20:11

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