
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Incurious ist: uninterested; unconcerned


I was surprised that my parents were so incurious in this semesters grades since they usually pester me about my scores.

published by Shawn on 2021-07-08 14:15:03

My brother, being incurious about academics, probably won’t go to college due to his lack of interested.

published by Avelina on 2021-08-31 16:13:31

Unlike our nosy dog, the incurious cat never moves when someone knocks at the door.

published by Jacquline on 2021-04-26 19:22:54

Many westerners are apathetic and incurious about the difficult lives of those living in third world countries.

published by Lucille on 2021-07-11 00:52:58

The inquisitive child is was scolded for asking questions by her old school grandparents who believed children should be incurious and detached from world events.

published by Adria on 2021-07-24 12:01:00

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