
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Lope ist: to take a longer footstep while running or walking


Sprinters usually will lope in their lanes in order to ensure victory at the finish line of the race.

published by Susana on 2021-03-21 21:46:59

When the man saw his injured child, he quickened his pace and decided to lope to get to her.

published by Alysa on 2021-12-31 04:34:39

Several horses lope down the field when a sudden loud noise startled them.

published by Norbert on 2021-11-02 03:13:26

Competing against her rival, Mary decided to lope around the track as opposed to taking shorter steps.

published by Lavinia on 2021-11-11 05:34:32

Instead of simply running to his car, Keith decided to lope creating a greater step which allowed him to move faster.

published by Ozell on 2021-01-12 18:23:34

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