
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Murmured ist: whispered


I could not hear the words; she just murmured a lot.‎

published by Muriel on 2021-10-11 21:52:39

Samantha was so frightened by the thief’s gun that she murmured her responses to his questions, only serving to agitate him even more.

published by Renea on 2021-02-28 14:02:01

The guy dressed in black murmured to me that he was a spy and then vanished into thin air.

published by Jenice on 2021-02-07 19:50:25

The men quickly murmured their prayers because they did not want to antagonize their captors.

published by Melisa on 2021-06-27 01:57:41

Anthony murmured something in reply, but no one was able to make out exactly what it was that he said.

published by Kandra on 2021-09-23 16:30:08

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