Non compos mentis

Die Bedeutung des Wortes Non compos mentis ist: unable to make decisions because of a mental issue, whether it be psychological, physical, or through a disease like dementia


The court declared the defendant non compos mentis and mandated time served in a psychiatric facility.

published by Kandra on 2021-02-13 21:31:59

Because the elderly man suffered from dementia, he was non compos mentis and had a relative take care of his finances.

published by Chasity on 2021-05-29 10:22:18

After the court discovered that the criminal had a mental disability, they deemed him non compos mentis and unfit to stand trial.

published by Aurora on 2021-04-06 02:22:09

Unhappy family members argue that their deceased grandfather was non compos mentis when he dictated his will and left all his money to charity.

published by Eliza on 2021-06-15 23:41:52

Although the women murdered several people she was declared non compos mentis because she suffers from bipolar disorder and was off of her medication.

published by Charissa on 2021-10-01 03:23:55

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