
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Prosthesis ist: artificial replacement for a body part


Many young children and even some adults stared at the young veteran soldier as he limped down the aisle of the store wearing a prosthesis where his leg used to be.

published by Flora on 2021-05-22 11:20:54

Officer Miller laid in a hospital bed struggling with the loss of his right arm after a gunshot wound, but his spirits lifted a little when the idea was mentioned that a prosthesis would allow him to use his arm again.

published by Valorie on 2021-09-30 16:10:59

When the baby was born with a hand missing two fingers, the couple decided to look into a prosthesis due to the baby’s need for her index and thumb fingers.

published by Alfred on 2021-02-15 23:05:26

Cancer infected the woman’s nose which required surgeons to remove and replace the removed part with a prosthesis.

published by Yuette on 2021-08-15 17:48:22

Even though the surgeon contemplated whether to remove the young child’s injured foot or not, the thought of a prosthesis reassured the surgeon that the child would still be able to walk.

published by Chantell on 2021-02-12 13:07:14

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