
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Raspy ist: hoarse or harsh, usually in regards to a person’s voice


My sore throat made my voice sound raspy to my friends, who knew I was sick the moment they heard my hoarse words.

published by Kenia on 2021-02-09 22:30:02

The extremely old man had a very raspy voice, made harsh by the strain that was placed on his vocal cords in his old age.

published by Marlena on 2021-11-29 19:24:50

If you smoke a lot, it is very likely that your voice will become raspy and rough as you get older, since you will have damaged your vocal cords and lungs.

published by Wesley on 2021-11-27 09:37:15

People who have trouble breathing often have a raspy voice, since they cannot get enough air into their lungs to speak clearly and smoothly.

published by Miles on 2021-02-26 10:41:08

You probably know an older person with a raspy voice, sounding like they have a sore throat all the time though their affliction is mostly due to their age.

published by Lynnette on 2021-06-13 15:01:56

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