
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Reparation ist: something done or paid in expiation of a wrong


Alec tried to make reparation for the hurt feelings he had caused, but Emily wasn’t having any of it.

published by Janine on 2021-05-10 15:52:51

Rather than fining the graffiti artist, the judge ordered him to make reparation by painting the entire building.

published by Perla on 2021-06-16 05:56:09

Although monetary reparation will help with the medical bills, it’s little compensation for the long-term pain and suffering caused by the drunk driver.

published by Thomasina on 2021-12-11 13:23:19

Anthony decided to file a claim seeking reparation for the chronic respiratory problems he had suffered ever since he worked at the factory.

published by Lorenzo on 2021-07-20 09:44:36

The issue of making reparation to descendants of slaves has become a hotbed of controversy in the U.S.

published by Lavon on 2021-01-09 03:31:17

Although he was deadly serious, the City Council couldn’t help smiling when the panhandler demanded reparation for the placement of a newsstand on his corner.

published by Timika on 2021-01-23 23:45:28

Even though reparation was made after his mother broke her hip in the rehab center, Mark was not satisfied.

published by Deirdre on 2021-11-13 13:50:06

The landlord had to cash in all of his bonds to make reparation to the tenants who had been displaced because of the broken plumbing.

published by Brandy on 2021-03-29 23:31:29

The Assembly of Galaxy Governors voted unanimously not to provide reparation to the planets that had been decimated during the Bragon Wars.

published by Tressa on 2021-04-13 18:58:35

Although the relatives of the journalist acknowledged the offer of reparation for the mistaken torture and death of their loved one, they stated that it was not a realistic compensation for their emotional loss.

published by Alla on 2021-12-12 17:31:33

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