
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Residential ist: designed for the housing of people


Residential areas were created so that city residents would have new places to build their homes.

published by Amberly on 2021-06-23 01:09:23

According to the residential map, only houses and no businesses may be built past Cates Street.

published by Blaine on 2021-02-07 04:39:23

The residential tower was created for high-rising living and not office spaces like most of the skyscrapers downtown.

published by Shannon on 2021-06-29 14:32:41

Homeowner’s were surprised to find that it is illegal to keep certain farm animals on a residential lot.

published by Yuk on 2021-11-03 19:40:33

Residential constructors will begin building the apartment complex as soon as the weather improves.

published by Yuonne on 2021-03-02 03:36:20

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