
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Shambolic ist: untidy or muddled


With so many lies and unbelievable stories during the election, many shambolic people couldn’t figure out who to vote for.

published by Melony on 2021-09-10 13:03:47

As the shambolic creature looking like Bigfoot quickly darted behind a tree, the hunters weren’t sure what they saw.

published by Petrina on 2021-03-19 11:36:22

After fighting the civil war in their country, the shambolic government frequently confused its citizens with their changing rules.

published by Judith on 2021-01-17 14:51:50

When the bus riders had a hard time understanding the schedule, the city council decided to revamp their shambolic transportation system.

published by Vincent on 2021-09-22 11:22:01

Due to his shambolic hair and torn clothing, the old man was obviously one of the city’s homeless citizens.

published by Dorothea on 2021-03-15 08:39:15

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