
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Shard ist: a sharp piece of a broken material such as ceramic, glass, or metal


Grimacing as each shard of glass was pulled from his heel, the boy vowed never to walk barefooted again.

published by Alissa on 2021-12-20 06:03:51

As the mirror crashed to the ground, shard after shard of glass scattered throughout the room.

published by Deidre on 2021-09-20 15:35:33

A sharp shard of shrapnel pierced the soldier’s armor and caused a deep wound.

published by Kiera on 2021-04-22 20:56:54

Not wanting his mother to know that he had broken another dish, the clumsy boy hurried to sweep each shard from the kitchen floor.

published by Valda on 2021-09-26 01:34:34

A flying piece of metal hit the man’s goggles and almost sent a shard into his eye!

published by Sierra on 2021-05-06 04:00:21

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