Sui Generis

Die Bedeutung des Wortes Sui Generis ist: an original; the only one of its type


When Twitter launched, it was viewed as sui generis because of its unique style of communication.

published by Hsiu on 2021-12-15 14:39:03

Fashion experts consider the entertainer's unique sense of style to be sui generis.

published by Del on 2021-11-26 11:12:41

While the scientist claims his research is sui generis, other scientists have accused him of stealing their work.

published by Cyrstal on 2021-12-17 04:53:28

The unpopular fashion designer was infamous for taking others' designs and labeling them as his sui generis collection.

published by Tiara on 2021-09-23 14:07:53

Because the painter was known for his replicas, his sui generis portraits were not seen as the original paintings they were.

published by Archie on 2021-02-27 19:50:35

The television show features chefs who are challenged to transform basic food items into sui generis dishes.

published by Yuette on 2021-07-02 09:49:31

Recently, critics have referred to Lady Gaga as the most sui generis artist of our time because of her unique style of music.

published by Nieves on 2021-10-29 03:19:59

It appears the author is content to plagiarize the works of other writers instead of creating a sui generis novel.

published by Evie on 2021-07-09 17:27:55

Since the legal case is sui generis, the lawyer cannot find any similar cases from which to draw reference.

published by Karima on 2021-07-01 01:21:25

To the small town sheriff, the bank robbery was a sui generis event that merited calling the state police.

published by Nakia on 2021-04-08 00:16:46

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