
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Tantalize ist: to tease someone with a promise and then not deliver upon it


In an attempt to tantalize me, my personal trainer offered a piece of cake as an incentive for me to finish my three miles on the treadmill.

published by Leticia on 2022-01-04 00:58:26

A car salesman will often tantalize you with an expensive vehicle that is not within your budget.

published by Joel on 2021-07-09 21:49:22

Because my baby sister likes to tantalize the dog, she will sometimes offer him a bone and then take it back.

published by Sanora on 2021-09-22 17:43:05

The purpose of a lottery commercial or radio advertisement is to tantalize people into believing they can become wealthy with the purchase of a lottery ticket.

published by Rudy on 2021-06-04 10:01:45

In order to make my class behave better, my teacher would tantalize us with offers of a longer recess we never earned.

published by Katia on 2021-02-13 05:56:07

Stores sometimes use bait-and-switch gimmicks to tantalize people into coming to their sales.

published by Mozella on 2021-08-26 06:23:21

When my rival got the bike I wanted, she rode by my house just to tantalize me.

published by Laci on 2021-11-23 11:10:50

The gym’s commercial strives to tantalize consumers with a low introductory rate that increases as soon as a person walks through the door.

published by Lekisha on 2021-02-10 12:40:15

Although the strange man tried to tantalize the girl with ice cream, he still could not get her inside of his van.

published by Erminia on 2021-03-03 18:13:14

The little boy could not understand why his mother would tantalize him by putting the cookies on a shelf he could not reach.

published by Sharda on 2021-12-06 01:38:01

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