
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Tax ist: to strain or burden someone or something


That much homework will really tax all of my strength, but I have to do it all even if I’ll be tired afterwards.

published by Abraham on 2021-02-12 19:55:35

If you want to tax my resources you will have to make more demands than that, as I can handle a lot of work without tiring out.

published by Jesse on 2021-07-25 16:47:40

Placing too much demand on one particular resource will quickly tax it and drain it of value.

published by Shenika on 2021-01-24 02:49:51

The stress of the last week did a lot to tax my nerves, stressing me out and making me irritable.

published by Deshawn on 2021-03-13 22:59:42

My irritating sister did a lot to tax my mother when she was stressed, frustrating her even more than she already was.

published by Cecille on 2021-10-06 16:18:34

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