
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Clad ist: concealed by something


For safety reasons, the president’s vehicle is clad in bulletproof armor.

published by Meg on 2021-01-23 23:56:18

Clad in an engineer's uniform, the millionaire tried to blend in with his employees at the bar.

published by Eloy on 2021-07-05 04:58:27

Because the student was clad in an inappropriate outfit, she was reprimanded by a teacher.

published by Krystina on 2021-11-24 03:47:36

Clad in armor, the knight was prepared to fight for the fair maiden.

published by Drusilla on 2021-03-03 00:17:14

Since I was clad in a designer gown, I had no intention of climbing under the porch to get the kitten.

published by Shane on 2021-02-22 19:35:10

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