
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Disconsolate ist: sad beyond comforting; inconsolable


The little girl was so disconsolate after her puppy ran away that her parents put up posters all over the neighborhood.

published by Willow on 2021-02-21 17:32:00

Anticipating that the prisoner would be disconsolate at receiving a life sentence, the judge decided to hand down the punishment in closed court.

published by Melonie on 2021-07-21 17:34:28

Nicole was disconsolate after the breakup and refused to allow her friends to comfort her.

published by Herminia on 2021-06-14 16:49:18

Although he was disappointed at not winning a medal, he was not disconsolate because the experience had been so amazing.

published by Carter on 2021-02-13 19:57:52

I could tell by Andrew’s disconsolate posture that his team had lost the game.

published by Hailey on 2021-03-06 19:29:53

A disconsolate ghost wanders the halls of the old mansion, calling for her lost love.

published by Gladis on 2021-05-05 18:52:01

After the death of his father, Brian took over the duties as the man of the house to support his disconsolate mother.

published by Antwan on 2021-12-26 10:44:52

Whenever Cheri feels disconsolate, she can lie in bed for days until the dark clouds begin to lift.

published by Melodee on 2021-08-21 04:32:34

I was disconsolate after watching that movie; I’m going to try to be a little better informed about the story before I go to the next one.

published by Kirstin on 2021-11-07 21:19:51

The child was disconsolate, but she cheered right up when the nurse put the stuffed teddy bear in her arms.

published by Dede on 2021-05-06 12:53:19

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