
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Excitable ist: easily excited; emotional or temperamental


It didn’t take much to get the excitable puppy riled up and a bark fest to being.

published by Kirby on 2021-12-11 11:59:42

Because she loves drama, the excitable woman seems to get upset by everything she reads on Facebook.

published by Ali on 2021-10-19 22:07:12

Full of nervous energy, the excitable and high-strung actor practiced his lines before curtain call.

published by Altha on 2021-04-02 09:12:14

The team’s excitable coach clapped with joy during one play and screamed in anger the next.

published by Tarah on 2021-03-04 18:05:11

Often crying uncontrollably, the excitable teenager seemed to become emotionally unstable about the slightest things.

published by Fanny on 2021-07-14 17:04:13

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