
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Flattery ist: giving excessive and often fake compliments to receive a favor


The failing student tried to use flattery to persuade his teacher to up his grade, but no number of compliments were enough to convince her.

published by Nieves on 2021-04-13 02:04:17

No matter how many times the he called her beautiful, she refused to believe his flattery because he was a known liar.

published by Hyman on 2021-05-06 19:36:00

Molly laughed when the failing boy called her gorgeous and pleaded with her to let him cheat off of her paper, but his flattery did not work.

published by Macie on 2021-05-01 15:50:34

Members of the court used extreme flattery to gain powerful political positions from people they disliked.

published by Tammi on 2021-03-06 22:13:00

Billy complimented his boss’s outfit and used other forms of flattery to persuade him to give him a raise.

published by Elvera on 2021-01-18 01:54:13

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