
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Hypnotic ist: tending to induce sleep


If I take too high a dosage of the medication, its hypnotic affect will cause me to drift into a deep sleep.

published by Wilmer on 2021-10-20 20:41:10

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is used as a sleep aid because of its hypnotic affect.

published by Alejandra on 2021-06-27 13:51:09

After taking a bite of the hypnotic apple provided by the Evil Queen, Aurora fell under a sleeping spell.

published by Ora on 2021-01-09 13:40:53

Falling into a hypnotic trance, the patient woke up only after the psychiatrist snapped three times.

published by Clementina on 2021-07-17 19:59:37

Rain on a tin roof always has a hypnotic effect on me and causes me to snooze through any storm.

published by Dalene on 2021-04-12 21:28:22

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