
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Impotent ist: lacking in power, as to act effectively; helpless


When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, I felt impotent because I could not help him with his pain.

published by Mardell on 2021-07-23 09:33:40

Everyone knows Kryptonite will make Superman impotent and unable to use his powers.

published by Margo on 2021-08-08 18:37:52

Once marijuana sales become legal in this country, many drug dealers will become impotent and will no longer have power over their customers.

published by Corey on 2021-07-20 22:09:28

The little girl was impotent against the man who pulled her into his van.

published by Joel on 2021-07-02 08:20:42

As I stood outside my burning house, I felt impotent as the firefighters tried to save everything I owned.

published by Roma on 2021-09-30 07:56:38

The ice on the road made thousands of people impotent during the winter storm.

published by Flora on 2021-06-12 05:40:18

Locked in its crate, the dog was impotent to stop the burglar from breaking into the empty house.

published by Leilani on 2021-01-31 08:36:55

Mark felt impotent as he watched his wife struggle to give birth to their child.

published by Xochitl on 2021-12-12 07:15:57

As humans, we cannot stop aging because we are all impotent against time.

published by Vannessa on 2021-06-15 18:24:43

The army of eight was impotent against the larger force and quickly raised its white flag of surrender.

published by Lamar on 2021-07-08 00:19:11

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