
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Indisposed ist: not feeling well


Because Maggie is indisposed with a high fever, she will not be attending the banquet.

published by Hope on 2021-11-20 15:10:09

The lazy worker lied and told his boss he was indisposed because he did not want to go into the office.

published by Wallace on 2021-05-05 07:38:41

When April does not want to be bothered, she tells her friends she is indisposed and highly contagious.

published by Sadye on 2021-08-20 14:19:53

A hypochondriac always believes he is indisposed and in need of a doctor’s care.

published by Shirely on 2021-07-25 17:08:22

If Jane continues to be indisposed, I will drive her to the medical clinic.

published by Carylon on 2021-07-30 04:23:01

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