
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Piffle ist: nonsense or rubbish


Mason’s brain was filled with piffle because all he thought about was dragon nonsense.

published by Lera on 2021-02-05 00:44:53

Witches and wizards are filled with nonsense and piffle because they are fictional.

published by Felice on 2021-06-16 05:59:16

Vampires are a bunch of hogwash, people should stop believing untrue piffle.

published by Deborah on 2021-11-05 13:01:37

The lecture on WWI made perfect sense, and it didn’t include any piffle.

published by Clifford on 2021-11-30 08:06:51

The world is full of piffle, garbage, and make-believe things so we can’t believe everything.

published by Irving on 2021-11-21 16:34:20

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