
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Suppliant ist: pleading, begging


After watching Tucker fail miserably because he had made bold demands, I decided to take a more suppliant tactic in asking for a raise.

published by Maxwell on 2021-03-11 10:21:52

Meek and suppliant, the best man admitted he had forgotten the ring and begged the bride and groom for forgiveness.

published by Samuel on 2021-03-14 20:42:53

In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest’s mother refuses to be suppliant when she demands what is best for her son, but she does agree to some incentives.

published by Agnus on 2021-05-15 16:27:05

The farmers and other members of the community gathered in the church and knelt together to say a suppliant prayer for rain.

published by Lida on 2021-05-09 00:09:54

Although Patricia’s suppliant gaze at Felipe was wordless, it was a clear communication that she expected him to defend her honor.

published by Marcos on 2021-02-05 20:58:27

Nowadays, any man who expects a mild, suppliant attitude from a woman is not likely to find what he is looking for.

published by Katia on 2021-10-14 12:30:10

On Good Friday, many religious pilgrims come to this mountain to make a suppliant climb on their knees to pray at the foot of the cross.

published by Melony on 2021-01-21 09:32:24

Abel approached Rebecca’s father in a courteous, suppliant way to ask for her hand in marriage.

published by Ed on 2021-03-17 21:42:35

Because she was in the mood for lobster, Barbara made a suppliant request for her date to order it for her.

published by Christinia on 2021-09-01 05:20:34

Even though it was his third drunk driving offense, Baxter made a suppliant plea to the judge for mercy.

published by Katelynn on 2021-03-10 23:34:53

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