
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Tenure ist: occupying a position or office, usually in government


With a tenure exceeding forty years, Judge Marshall has held his office longer than any other judge in our county.

published by Jackeline on 2021-04-14 14:17:10

The teacher’s tenure at the high school came to an end when she was arrested for having sex with her students.

published by Rueben on 2021-10-05 05:41:07

Since the politician was sent to prison a day after being sworn into office, his tenure as mayor lasted only twenty-four hours.

published by Myung on 2021-08-21 01:51:45

Everyone was shocked when Willis became school principal after serving only a short tenure as vice-principal.

published by Michael on 2021-12-24 06:33:21

Because Clarke did nothing productive during his tenure as president, he was only elected for one four-year term.

published by Essie on 2021-05-25 01:03:09

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