
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Tessellation ist: an arrangement of shapes, usually polygons, closely fitted together in a repeating pattern without gaps


The painter used a tessellation in his mosaic painting, with many shapes all right next to each other.

published by Collin on 2021-02-04 06:31:05

You can create your own tessellation by putting many geometric shapes right next to each other, but you have to make sure there are no gaps between them.

published by Rufus on 2021-06-01 15:27:23

Broken glass on the ground is kind of like its own tessellation, though it is a little different since there are probably a few gaps between the broken pieces.

published by Rolando on 2021-11-23 09:21:51

A tessellation has a lot of shapes right next to each other, but there can be no gaps between them or it is not considered a tessellation at all.

published by Adelia on 2021-09-13 17:57:18

Some stained glass windows are considered a tessellation as long as the shapes in the design have no gaps between them.

published by Elwood on 2021-04-02 12:37:50

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