
The meaning of the word Charismatic is: having a convincing charm that inspires others to believe what you say


The charismatic cult leader convinced his followers he was the only path to heaven.

published by Lashaun on 2021-05-30 10:13:09

Because the traveling salesman was very charismatic, he could always persuade people to purchase his goods.

published by Phyllis on 2021-08-21 11:36:22

Bernie was a charismatic man who found it easy to con people out of their savings.

published by Ileen on 2021-11-04 09:51:21

Once the troubled boy became captivated by his charismatic teacher, he tried to become more like him.

published by Tomiko on 2021-11-11 07:28:37

Voters were eager to support the charismatic politician.

published by Detra on 2021-04-16 05:41:50

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