
The meaning of the word Contemplating is: carefully thinking about something


After seeing his girlfriend’s offensive text, he was contemplating a breakup.

published by Carmelia on 2021-04-24 19:42:36

It was a tough choice contemplating whether to buy the SUV or truck.

published by Vivian on 2021-03-14 18:26:46

The president of the company was contemplating a new program that would promote brand loyalty.

published by Ariane on 2021-09-02 13:05:52

Though he lived in apartments his whole life, he was contemplating buying a single-family home.

published by Nancie on 2021-08-23 22:07:51

Looking for a place to live, he was contemplating if a condo was the right move.

published by Rosenda on 2021-08-28 05:48:42

She was carefully contemplating his proposal to weigh the pros and cons.

published by Ray on 2021-11-12 19:05:15

He was contemplating an appropriate punishment for his children’s disobedience.

published by Alfreda on 2021-12-15 07:14:47

Knowing both shoes were great, he was contemplating which would work better for his purposes.

published by Vallie on 2021-08-30 02:52:56

In light of the new evidence, the judge was contemplating a guilty sentence.

published by Wilfredo on 2021-01-08 00:43:39

The judge was contemplating a stern warning in lieu of traditional punishment, but it was a hard decision.

published by Nick on 2021-03-17 03:36:13

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