
The meaning of the word Continental is: forming or belonging to a continent


I have a continental lineage, considering that every single one of my ancestors was born in Europe.

published by Jonie on 2021-05-11 00:13:40

The continental railroad we have stretches all the way from one end of this continent to the other.

published by Marquetta on 2021-10-28 14:31:55

A continental army is drawn up from civilians from all over the continent, and that army belongs to the continent as well.

published by Queenie on 2021-12-03 11:16:13

This tree is of a continental origin, growing only in North America and nowhere else, at least not naturally.

published by Oliva on 2021-05-24 19:44:01

The ‘North American People’ is a continental term used to refer to all of the inhabitants of the North American continent.

published by Lona on 2021-07-31 15:15:47

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