
The meaning of the word Logical is: rational, or expected of an intelligent thought process


If a stove is hot, the brain chooses the logical option and tells you not to touch it because it will hurt.

published by Dean on 2021-04-06 12:55:08

In a logical world, nobody would ever say anything in anger because they know they don’t mean it, but such outbursts are usually ruled by emotion.

published by Kerri on 2021-11-08 10:54:39

Many of us think it is logical for the alphabet to be in the order it is, but in truth it is only in that order because we want it to be.

published by Katherina on 2021-12-14 13:07:48

A normal person thinks that two plus two equals four is logical, but an illogical person may say that two plus two equals five.

published by Vinita on 2021-12-12 01:34:14

If you are thirsty, the logical thing to do is drink some water, while the illogical thing to do would be to ignore your thirst.

published by Celinda on 2021-05-07 19:35:12

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