
The meaning of the word Saucy is: rude and cocky, usually in a lively way


With a saucy attitude, the waitress was able to engage and irritate customers at the same time.

published by Tula on 2021-07-08 05:16:57

The comedian’s saucy one-liners came off as rude to some and entertaining to others.

published by Annalee on 2021-01-10 23:37:55

Saucy and sharp-tongued, the feisty girl used her quick wit and temper to protect her heart from others.

published by Lamar on 2021-11-05 06:41:48

The once sweet child was now saucy, with a sassy and cheeky response to every question she is asked.

published by Ted on 2021-03-18 10:13:14

Smart-aleck answers seemed like the only language the saucy teenager could speak.

published by Delcie on 2021-02-21 12:17:26

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