
The meaning of the word Exorcism is: the act of driving out a demon from a person or place


During the Second World War, some believed Adolf Hitler was possessed by a demon and tried to remove it through a long-distance exorcism.

published by Arturo on 2021-02-27 23:54:52

Insisting that an exorcism needed to take place, the priest prepared to bring the evil spirit out of the young girl.

published by Ara on 2021-11-30 08:05:20

Conducting an exorcism during the séance brought out demons that had plagued the woman for years.

published by Claire on 2021-12-31 03:31:28

Although many regard exorcism as a cure for evil spirits, others see it as silly superstition.

published by Kaitlyn on 2021-10-22 20:10:14

Speaking to the spirit that has taken over the human’s body is an important part of the exorcism process.

published by Nena on 2021-05-20 14:36:30

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