
The meaning of the word Semiconductor is: a substance that is in between a conductor and an insulator, making it a good medium for controlling electrical current


Silicon is the best known semi-conductor and forms the basis for most integrated circuits.

published by Teena on 2021-10-19 20:29:01

A semiconductor device can perform the function of a vacuum tube while controlling current.

published by Pearline on 2021-07-28 17:11:51

Using the semiconductor to control current, an insulator nor a conductor were needed.

published by Denny on 2021-07-06 23:34:24

The conductance of a semiconductor varies depending on the current or voltage, but is still a useful medium.

published by Chase on 2021-11-02 08:00:41

Like arsenic, boron is a semiconductor that is in between a conductor and an insulator.

published by Maire on 2021-04-24 23:59:20

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