
The meaning of the word Vassal is: a worker of a lord who is working off his debt in return for safety from the lord


When the vassal took an oath from the lord of the manor, he knew that his employer would require him to tend to the fields until his obligation was met.

published by Ricardo on 2021-05-14 08:48:29

Once the vassal’s payment was made and he was released, the noble who owned all of the land would have to find someone else to work his property.

published by Thora on 2021-07-27 18:59:10

Loyalty was shown by the aristocrat’s vassal since he would sacrifice his life for his creditor’s estate.

published by Samuel on 2021-03-31 16:30:15

During the Middle Ages, the vassal would sometimes go off to war in place of the lord in order to pay off his debt.

published by Joy on 2021-03-03 22:27:27

One type of vassal was the knight who would dress in metal armor in order to fight on behalf of his boss, the noble of the land.

published by Edith on 2021-06-04 16:18:34

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