
El significado de la palabra Belligerent es: hostile; ready to fight


My brother was always belligerent and ready to fight.

published by Eun on 2021-12-31 09:11:13

While the members of the president’s cabinet wanted him to take a belligerent stance against a neighboring country, the president sought a peaceful compromise.

published by Ian on 2021-10-24 13:36:46

You make more friends being nice than you do by being belligerent.

published by Shyla on 2021-10-28 21:29:51

If you want to see a belligerent dog, you should attempt to take his food while he is eating it.

published by Erinn on 2021-07-11 00:33:11

Since the postman had a belligerent attitude and often threw rocks at neighborhood dogs, he was fired from his position.

published by Vickey on 2021-12-09 23:42:01

While many professional wrestlers may appear belligerent, in reality, most of them are really nice.

published by Valentin on 2021-01-26 00:32:01

Because the pharmacy is closed, Jack is unable to get his pain medicine and is becoming increasingly belligerent.

published by Cindie on 2021-06-28 06:08:15

Hopefully when the war ends, there will be no belligerent souls among us.

published by Maris on 2021-07-06 04:45:36

Since my sister is a belligerent driver who honks her horn constantly, I try to avoid riding anywhere with her.

published by Jacob on 2021-08-22 20:49:00

After Janice had to wait two hours to see her doctor, she became belligerent with the office staff.

published by Randolph on 2021-06-26 07:44:33

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