Civil Law

El significado de la palabra Civil Law es: system of law concerned with private affairs between citizens rather than criminal affairs


A dispute between two neighbors that is taken to court would be considered within the realm of civil law rather than criminal justice.

published by Margarete on 2022-01-06 00:07:27

An example of a civil law case would be one neighbor accusing another neighbor of painting a fence that is on his property.

published by Lela on 2021-02-19 08:39:57

Often cases in civil law are not a matter of outright crime, but rather one member of the community being wronged by another and expecting compensation.

published by Solomon on 2021-02-28 12:25:23

Matters between two members of the community are considered civil law, while matters regarding felonies and crime are considered criminal law.

published by Hosea on 2021-12-03 12:29:23

I am currently investigating a civil law case regarding the distribution of property between two people that are divorcing.

published by Mui on 2021-09-12 23:22:43

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