
El significado de la palabra Proud es: feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction for one’s accomplishments


The proud father beamed as he watched his firstborn daughter walk across the stage at her college graduation.

published by Rachal on 2021-12-04 12:48:40

Participants at the track meet made their coach proud, setting new school records and scoring in first place overall.

published by Verda on 2021-05-09 04:54:43

The toddler was proud of her artwork and showed her scribblings to anyone who would look.

published by Lindsay on 2021-05-20 17:51:42

Proud of his new grandson, the delighted grandfather offered ‘it’s a boy’ cigars to everyone in the waiting room.

published by Miguelina on 2021-11-06 18:35:33

The proud army wife was excited to pin her husband during his military ceremony.

published by Christa on 2021-09-10 17:32:46

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