
El significado de la palabra Explosive es: something that explodes or blows up when ignited


Fearing her husband’s explosive personality, the wife tried to speak softly and avoid any topics that would infuriate him.

published by Shonda on 2021-05-01 08:09:00

Immigrants building the transcontinental railroad faced extremely hazardous working conditions and often died in blasts where the use of explosive devices went wrong.

published by Euna on 2021-02-01 20:40:55

TNT and other explosive devices are extremely dangerous when in the hands of terrorists looking to make a bomb.

published by Dinorah on 2021-02-22 21:44:42

The makeshift explosive was set off remotely and caused the ground to shake several miles away from the test site.

published by Lenore on 2021-07-16 12:14:19

Running through the minefield, the soldier prayed he would not step on an explosive and be blown to smithereens.

published by Brooke on 2021-05-01 07:42:04

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