
El significado de la palabra Inculpate es: to incriminate or accuse someone of doing something


Evidence was used to inculpate the suspects and lead to their eventual conviction.

published by Margery on 2021-03-02 19:59:45

The defense attorney has criticized the investigation, insisting that any findings have failed to inculpate his client.

published by Cleotilde on 2021-08-05 07:44:21

Invoking his 5th amendment right during trial, the defendant did not have to give testimony that my inculpate himself.

published by Martha on 2021-03-30 03:44:28

A faint print in the mud was a match to the suspect’s shoe pattern and enough to inculpate him of the crime.

published by Candelaria on 2021-04-09 17:17:16

Fearing that pending DNA results would further incriminate his client, the attorney tried to convince the prosecution to agree to a plea deal.

published by Edmundo on 2021-12-06 02:31:57

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