
El significado de la palabra Voracity es: extreme hunger for food or an activity that is powerful and consuming


Her voracity for reading was marked by her overflowing bookshelves, too much money spent at her favorite little bookshop, and the fact that she read at least one book a day.

published by Steffanie on 2021-06-27 04:07:32

The pregnant woman was so consumed by a voracity for pizza with anchovies that she ordered nearly a dozen large pizzas every two weeks.

published by Ronny on 2022-01-07 06:35:39

After completing a 12 mile jog, the runner was filled with a voracity for carbs that made her stop by the grocery store and buy a dozen donuts.

published by Myra on 2021-06-22 08:42:08

The honors student was filled with such a voracity for learning that she read textbooks for fun.

published by Diedra on 2021-12-18 22:04:51

The exercise enthusiast was filled with a voracity for working out that could only be filled by going to the gym every day.

published by Shizue on 2021-06-14 20:11:28

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