
Le sens du mot Amber est: a yellowy-tan color


The dentist noticed the amber color of the woman’s teeth and realized that she probably hadn’t brushed them in a long time.

published by Elden on 2021-04-11 00:28:12

“If your urine is an amber color,” said the doctor, “then that dark color means that you are dehydrated.”

published by Aracelis on 2021-11-02 14:46:33

To be in such a shady spot resulted in the amber sun’s rays casting a dark buttery stream of light across the clear water.

published by Raguel on 2021-11-08 12:01:34

While looking at the crops in the field, my mother was able to determine that the amber grain was wheat due to its shape and beige color.

published by Tammara on 2021-04-20 04:09:44

With her amber hair, the young actress would need to lighten her hair to a blonder color in order to get the role.

published by Todd on 2021-11-29 07:12:13

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