
Le sens du mot Apoplectic est: incredibly angry


The victim’s family was apoplectic when the case against their son’s killer was dismissed.

published by Zoraida on 2021-05-09 07:17:55

When the cashier refused to give me the correct change, I became apoplectic and threatened to call the police.

published by Otha on 2021-06-29 04:55:05

The apoplectic husband threatened to kill his wife’s lover.

published by Domenic on 2021-11-10 17:07:12

Because Matt always appears apoplectic, he is being forced to take an anger management course by the traffic court judge.

published by Rosario on 2021-05-09 09:21:13

My strict father was apoplectic when I arrived home five hours late.

published by Ayesha on 2021-11-24 20:57:09

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