
Le sens du mot Asthenosphere est: the portion of the mantle of the Earth that rests under the lithosphere and is comprised of rocks that can be altered in shape


The asthenosphere is an underlying layer of the Earth positioned beneath the lithosphere.

published by Sharda on 2021-11-06 05:16:39

When explaining the term “asthenosphere”, state how “asthenos” means weak like the alterable rocks comprising the layer.

published by Cherlyn on 2021-06-24 02:06:02

The asthenosphere contains portions of the lithosphere that have travelled downward.

published by Terrence on 2021-08-16 12:09:28

In class, the teacher showed us a model of the Earth which focused on the asthenosphere, a rock layer under the lithosphere.

published by Kimberly on 2021-09-17 01:21:47

Large rocks that break in the asthenosphere trigger deep tremors in the Earth.

published by Dillon on 2021-05-23 19:22:26

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