
Le sens du mot Auditory est: of or pertaining to hearing


Many people are auditory learners who learn best through hearing.

published by Mireya on 2021-07-27 09:15:33

The newborn baby failed the hearing test, so her parents were referred to visit a specialist in auditory disorders.

published by Migdalia on 2021-09-14 05:20:57

Because he couldn’t read, he needed the instructions for the test to be given in an auditory manner.

published by Summer on 2021-09-17 18:12:45

The music was an auditory delight to our ears.

published by Tuan on 2021-08-13 21:14:15

He had an auditory disorder that made him hard of hearing.

published by Woodrow on 2021-02-09 18:00:36

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