
Le sens du mot Beset est: to surround or attack from all sides


The expectant mother was beset with a new set of anxieties every time she heard some of her friends’ stories about childbirth.

published by Emmanuel on 2021-03-16 13:57:11

The company was beset by a flood of lawsuits after their new invention led to injuries among hundreds of their customers.

published by Agustin on 2021-03-22 15:17:59

The drought had been going on for three years, and the whole state was beset with a serious shortage of water.

published by Aleen on 2021-08-14 02:22:35

His paper was published without his knowledge or permission, whereupon he was beset by accusations of plagiarism.

published by Blanca on 2021-02-19 14:02:22

Beset by a number of health issues, the candidate was forced to drop out of the race.

published by Gladis on 2021-11-26 11:31:29

This model has not been selling well since the public is aware that it is beset by a number of technical glitches.

published by Kenda on 2021-02-10 16:42:25

After they had been beset by an inordinate amount of policy changes, the staff demanded a meeting with the administration.

published by Eddy on 2021-12-26 04:24:22

Whenever you feel that you’re beset by insurmountable problems, ask someone for help.

published by Veronika on 2021-02-21 15:01:57

Once the company made the decision to end the practice of supporting the charity, the executives realized that they were beset by an accelerated turnover rate.

published by Chia on 2021-12-13 22:25:12

Ever since the library installed new sensors, the book-stealing problems that had beset them for years completely disappeared.

published by Lezlie on 2021-10-01 16:24:13

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