
Le sens du mot Bloviate est: to talk for a long time, typically about nothing important


I hate talking to Ricky because he likes to bloviate so much in our conversations, going on for twenty minutes about anything and everything.

published by Rey on 2021-07-23 04:17:21

Many acquaintances, when they see each other after some time, will bloviate for several minutes, talking about miscellaneous topics in an effort to be polite.

published by Violeta on 2021-09-04 05:56:31

If you are someone that likes to bloviate, you can spend a solid hour talking to people about pretty much nothing at all.

published by Lakenya on 2021-06-25 23:39:48

Many serious individuals do not like people that bloviate, as they hate conversation that does not have a point and takes too long.

published by Florida on 2021-05-03 15:01:19

Talking about the weather is almost a sure sign of someone that wishes to bloviate, as most people don’t usually care to actually talk about it.

published by Shirlee on 2021-01-10 16:15:41

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