
Le sens du mot Consulate est: the office or building where a consul works


While traveling to China, I decided to address my issues at the consulate.

published by Brigitte on 2021-02-27 05:51:36

The consulate in the foreign country housed several departments that would assist its citizens.

published by Delma on 2021-03-17 21:23:34

As a Japanese businessman, I had a meeting at the consulate to discuss economic matters.

published by Luana on 2021-07-01 15:36:46

In order to address his concerns regarding safety in his area, Pete drove straight to the consulate.

published by Shad on 2021-03-17 00:34:47

Once the city was built, the consulate was located closer to the town center due to the need for its proximity to its citizens.

published by Lavelle on 2021-04-01 06:45:22

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